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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Summer reading list

I am still constructing my list of books for this summer, personally. I want to revisit some old favorites, like Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials, but I'm also looking forward to branching out into new territory. I have a week of vacation in NC coming up, and I'm already making lists of what I want to take with me.

I've been meaning to read Neil Gaiman's Sandman series for ages, and I'm hoping I can get started on that soon. There's also a new translation of The Arabian Nights out that I'm looking into snagging a copy of, as well.

One of my favorite things about summer is that I get to read all day if I really want to. Summer is perfect for lounging around outside with a new book, and I am so excited for it to finally be here! My summer break starts in almost exactly a week (give or take a few hours next Wednesday for finals), and I am going to dive right into a big pile of books (metaphorically speaking. Ow.).

What's on your summer reading list?

Sorry for the short post today -nothing new to report re: what I'm reading at the moment. I am reluctant to do anything at all because I have the end-of-the-school-year doldrums and all I really want to do is lay around and eat ice cream. 3 more days of class. I'll get through it. Maybe.

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